Hare had a scare

the hare who had a scare free audio story for children

Enjoy listening to the story . . .

(heeshees = he + she = people;   opening rhyme to the tune of “Lavender Blue”.)

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Hare had a scare.

dilly dilly

Was it a dream?

I cannot tell.

dilly dilly

It may have been.


Hare sat still

in the morning chill.

Breezy blossom

tickled his ears.

Hare looked up

and sang with lark –

larking and fluttering

in the wide wispy sky.


“I sing with the sun

I dance with the moon.

I sing. I dance.

Until I burst.



Hare felt a rumble

between his toes.

Hare sat up.

Hare sat stiff.


“The heeshees are here!”

Lark skittered.

Lark shrieked.

“Watch out! Watch out!”


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Hare sprang.

Like a skimming stone –

he flashed.

He crashed.


Right into –


“Whoa!” cried fox.

“So fast! So fast!”


They heard a horn.

Fox flicked his brush.

Fox sat up.

Fox sat stiff.


“The heeshees are here!”

Lark skittered.

Lark shrieked.

“Watch out! Watch out!”


Hare and Fox

hugged and hung on

in a hurly burly

whirly wind.


From the blust’ry brew

grew Boogy Boo –

with ears of Hare,

with brush of Fox.


“I sing with the sun

I dance with the moon.

I sing. I dance.

Until I burst.



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Boogy Boo –

like a fiery comet

crackled and burst

the trees as he flew.


Right into –


“Whoa!” cried Goose.

“So fast! So fast!”


They heard a bang.

Goose shivered her wings.

Goose sat up.

Goose sat stiff.


“The heeshees are here!”

Lark skittered.

Lark shrieked.

“Watch out! Watch out!”


Boogy and Goose

hugged and hung on

in a hurly burly

whirly wind.


From the blust’ry brew

grew Boogy Boo –

with ears of Hare,

with brush of Fox,

with wings of Goose.


“I sing with the sun

I dance with the moon.

I sing. I dance.

Until I burst.



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Boogy Boo

shot up to the clouds –

blackened with thunder

and swollen with rain.


When he turned again –

he heard a great shout.

A bark. A flurry.

A scurry about.


Squirrels and stoats

were twirling with teasels –

teasing the weasels

with twistings and turns.


And thistles and thorns

were splashing the dew –

squabbling and scrabbling

as raggy roots flew.



Oh, sudden –

Boogy Boo

burst –



And lightning flashed.

Thunder thrashed.

Spiky rain lashed.

Boogy Boo crashed –






To flatten the heeshees –


On the ground.


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Hare rubbed his eyes

and sang with lark –

larking and fluttering

in the wide wispy sky.


“I sing with the sun

I dance with the moon.

I sing. I dance.

Until I burst.



Hare blinked.



Hare had a scare.

dilly dilly


Hush …


© Charlie Wilson 2016

Don`t copy text!