Just Perfect

the rabbit who was having a perfect day free audio story for children

Enjoy listening to the story . . .
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Twirly whirly, topsy turvy,

bumpsadaisy, here we go…es –


like rabbit goes –

nose over toes;

rolling down the grassy hill;

rolling down until he’s –



And lies on his back –

Just like that.


He looks up at the sky.

“Me oh my!”

Bright and blue; and so, so high.

“It’s a beautiful day – a perfect day for a really good play.”

“I help,” came a soft, little voice.

Rabbit sat up with a start and looked round.

“Who,” he demanded, “said that?”


“Me,” said hill.

Rabbit’s nose wrinkled, “Hmm.”

“You couldn’t roll down twirly whirly if I wasn’t here.”

” Oh,” nodded rabbit. “True. Thank you, hill. Thank you.”

Hill grew higher and steeper still.

Then rabbit and hill smiled and sighed –

“Perfect – just perfect.”



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Twirly whirly, topsy turvy,

bumpsadaisy, here we go…es –


like rabbit goes –

nose over toes;

rolling down the grassy hill;

rolling down until he’s –



And lies on his back –

Just like that.


He looks up at the sky.

“Me oh my!”

And watches the birds as they flutter and fly.

“It’s a beautiful day – a perfect day for a really good play.”


“I help,” came a soft little voice.

Rabbit sat up with a start and looked round.

“Who,” he demanded, “said that?”


“Not me!” said hill.

“Me,” said grass.

Rabbit’s nose wrinkled, “Hmm.”

“I’m soft and bouncy so you don’t bash and crash.”

” Oh,” nodded rabbit. “True. Thank you, grass. Thank you.”

Grass gently rippled in the soft, soothing breeze.

Then rabbit, hill and grass smiled and sighed –

“Perfect – just perfect.”



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Twirly whirly, topsy turvy,

bumpsadaisy, here we go…es –


like rabbit goes –

nose over toes;

rolling down the grassy hill;

rolling down until he’s –



And lies on his back –

Just like that.


He looks up at the sky.

“Me oh my!”

And feels the warm breeze wafting by.

“It’s a beautiful day – a perfect day for a really good play.”


“I help,” came a soft little voice.

Rabbit sat up with a start and looked round.

“Who,” he demanded, “said that?”


“Not me!” said hill.

“Not me!” said grass.

“Me,” said tree.

Rabbit’s nose wrinkled, “Hmm.”

“The shade I have made stops you burning your nose.”

” Oh,” nodded rabbit. “True. Thank you, tree. Thank you.”

Tree stretched his great branches and shook his leaves.

Then rabbit, hill, grass and tree smiled and sighed –

“Perfect – just perfect.”



Page 4


Twirly whirly, topsy turvy,

bumpsadaisy, here we go…es –


like rabbit goes –

nose over toes;

rolling down the grassy hill;

rolling down until he’s –



And lies on his back –

Just like that.


He looks up at the sky.

“Me oh my!”

And listens to the bees buzzing busily by.

“It’s a beautiful day – a perfect day for a really good play.”


“I help,” came a soft little voice.

Rabbit sat up with a start and looked round.

“Who,” he demanded, “said that?”


“Not me!” said hill.

“Not me!” said grass.

“Not me!” said tree.

“Me,” said sun.

Rabbit’s nose wrinkled, “Hmm.”

“My shiny bright beams keep you warm all day.”

” Oh,” nodded rabbit. “True. Thank you, sun. Thank you.”

Sun spread out her golden rays and warmed rabbit’s tummy.

Then rabbit, hill, grass, tree and sun smiled and sighed –

“Perfect – just perfect.”



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Twirly whirly, topsy turvy,

bumpsadaisy, here we go…es –


like rabbit goes –

nose over toes;

rolling down the grassy hill;

rolling down until he’s –



And lies on his back –

Just like that.


He looks up at the sky.

“Me oh my!”

And smells the scent of the flowers – drifting by.

“It’s a beautiful day – a perfect day for a really good play.”


“I help,” came a soft little voice.

Rabbit sat up with a start and looked round.

“Who,” he demanded, “said that?”


“Not me!” said hill.

“Not me!” said grass.

“Not me!” said tree.

“Not me!” said sun.

“Me,” said cloud..

Rabbit’s nose wrinkled, “Hmm.”

“My rain makes the grass soft and sweet for you to eat.”

” Oh,” nodded rabbit. “True. Thank you, cloud. Thank you.”

A big, sparkling drop plip plopped onto rabbit’s nose.

“Eergh!” he squealed. “I’m not so sure about you, rainy cloud!”


But hill, grass, tree, sun, and cloud – wriggled and giggled;

Then smiled and sighed –

“Perfect – just perfect.”



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Twirly whirly, topsy turvy,

bumpsadaisy, here we go…es –


like rabbit goes –

nose over toes;

rolling down the grassy hill;

rolling down until he’s –



And lies on his back –

Just like that.


He looks up at the sky.

“Me oh my!”

Then nibbles the grass – scrumptious wet, and scrumptious dry!

“It’s a beautiful day – a perfect day for a really good play.”


“I help,” came a soft little voice

Rabbit sat up with a start and looked round.

“Who,” he demanded, “said that?”


“Not me!” said hill.

“Not me!” said grass.

“Not me!” said tree.

“Not me!” said sun.

“Not me!” said cloud.

“Me,” said fox..

Rabbit’s nose wrinkled, “Hmm.”

“I’m hungry; you’re tasty. I’m going to gobble you up.”

” Oh,” nodded rabbit. “True. But only if I let you!”


Rabbit jumped up and darted away;

And fox gave chase – without delay.


And they ran up – steep hill.

And they ran through – sweet grass.

And they ran round  – shady tree.

And they ran under  – golden sun.

And they ran beneath  – rainy cloud.

And they ran, and they ran ’til they – stopped.

And sat.

Rabbit puffed.

Fox  wheezed.

“It’s not,” panted rabbit, “so perfect after all!”



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“I help,” came a soft little voice.

Rabbit sat up with a start and looked round.

“Who,” he demanded, “said that?”


“Not me!” said hill.

“Not me!” said grass.

“Not me!” said tree.

“Not me!” said sun.

“Not me!” said cloud.

“Not me!” said fox.

“Me,” said hole.

Rabbit’s nose wrinkled, “Hmm.”

“I’m warm and I’m safe. Come inside and see.”

“Oh,” nodded rabbit. “True. Thank you, hole. Thank you.”


And he dived right in – wheeeee!

Hole was snug, and hole was like home.

Then rabbit, hill, grass, tree, sun, cloud and hole smiled and sighed –

“Perfect – just perfect.”


But fox huffed, “No it’s not! ”

And all the others burst with laughter.


© Charlie Wilson 2010

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